Monday 20 March 2017

We apologise for another interruption

July 10, 2016

Ambos – my heroes! Thank you, Ambulance Victoria.

Now where was I? Oh, that’s right …. it was another DVT / pulmonary embolism which set life back a bit. Again. But this time the PE was “unprovoked” meaning there was no known reason for it. Certainly not a flight to an exotic holiday destination 😦

The aim now is to complete the write-up of my 2014 Last Hurrah trip before the second anniversary of my departure comes around on August 6, 2016. The writing race is on!

Is Barcelona, is Gaudi – Sagrada Familia (pt.1)

Gaudi is the reason I included Barcelona in the itinerary of my Last Hurrah trip. I’ve loved his work for as long as I can remember. My fi...