Monday 13 March 2017

It’s starting to get serious

5 July, 2014

Now to plan “The Trip” in earnest!
Thursday was my last day at work – a lovely morning tea with the library team; many, many good wishes from colleagues across the health sector; dinner with family.
Farewell morning tea in the library office
Yesterday was transition day – totally lazy then dinner with friends.
Today – the first day of the rest of my life, starting with ….. the dentist and pre-trip check-up. Doom and gloom! But what? Root canal, extraction?? The dentist will confer with a colleague about what the xray really says but either way it’s “a ticking time bomb”. Yikes!
So before the return visit, time for more eating with family brunch tomorrow; dinner with friends on Monday; a meeting with nibbles on Tuesday evening; lunch with a friend on Wednesday …… All interspersed with “Planning”!!

A trip in the offing

Is Barcelona, is Gaudi – Sagrada Familia (pt.1)

Gaudi is the reason I included Barcelona in the itinerary of my Last Hurrah trip. I’ve loved his work for as long as I can remember. My fi...