Tuesday 14 March 2017

London … city of culture – the music

16 - 25 August, 2014

There was a fair bit of music to this visit to London, starting with Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral on the day I arrived. (Is religion culture?) I also went to Evensong at Southwark Cathedral, then back to St Paul’s again. I love Evensong!
Shakespeare memorial at Southwark Cathedral

There was the sung Latin Mass at St James, Spanish Place (with an excellent sermon, as it happens) and crossover music of a different sort, a concert at St Martin-in-the-Fields: Vivaldi’s Gloria, a cello concerto by JC Bach and, best of all, Faure’s Requiem, so moving it brought tears to my eyes.

Before the concert -
at St Martin in the Fields, Trafalgar Square

I’d wanted to hear the Requiem live for a very long time and thought it was going to be “it” when I recently went to a concert in Melbourne given by the Choir of King’s College, Cambridge. I was all set to buy the CD after the concert but …. the performance was seriously underwhelming, sounding tired and lacklustre, shown up all the more by the performance at SMitF by the Locrian singers and orchestra.

And there was my Proms concert experience, to say I’d been to a Proms concert, chosen because the date suited rather than for the music, although that too was good. I bought cheap seats, to the side and back of the orchestra, interesting watching the TV cameras in action. I was sitting there minding my own business just before interval when, at a very quiet spot in the music, with audience silent so you could hear a pin drop, I got a tickle in my throat. I almost killed myself trying not to cough. What an embarrassment. My throat took all of 24 hours to feel normal again.

Waiting for Prom 42 to begin -
at Royal Albert Hall

Is Barcelona, is Gaudi – Sagrada Familia (pt.1)

Gaudi is the reason I included Barcelona in the itinerary of my Last Hurrah trip. I’ve loved his work for as long as I can remember. My fi...